Welcometaking is a Time of Thanks & Giving...

So...it's time for my annual "What am I thankful for?" post!  Actually...that's a lie.  I don't even know if I posted one last year...or the year before that...or the year before that.  Frankly, I just wanted to use the word "annual" because it makes it seem like I uphold tradition...but really...I'm a sham.

ANYWAY...I guess it's never too late to start a post like this so...here goes!

I'm thankful for:

1. My shoes...Without them I would just be...barefoot.
2. My clothes...Without them I would just be...naked.
3. My scrubs...Without them I would just be...kicked out of the ER for looking like some random child who decided to traipse in.  There are a few of those, anyway...so maybe I'd fit in...
4. My music...Without it my runs (and studying) would be oh-so-boring.
5. My stripes...Without them my wardrobe would be largely plaid/checkered...and largely non-existent.
6. My camera...Without it...your life would be so much more...dull.  Oh...and I'd have less preserved memories.
7. My books...Without them I would be completely stupid...as opposed to my current state of "halfway" stupid.
8. My mom's food...Without it I would be...only adequately fed.  Really, who doesn't like a food coma?
9. My treadmill...Without it I would be...a bunch of things.
10. The Disney Channel...Without it, I'd have a good amount less to be embarrassed about.
11. The things I say...Without them, I'd have nothing to be embarrassed about.
12. The things you say...Without them...I'd have no friends.  Think about it.
13. My stuffed animals...Without them...there would be so much more empty space on my bed.
14. The pile of clothes perpetually on the floor of my room...Without it...my room would actually be clean.
15. Being a creeper...Without it...I wouldn't be a creeper.  I mean...come on - major DUH.
16. Glee...Without it...I wouldn't have as many songs to sing along to loudly in the shower.
17. Mirrors...Without them, I would have to resort to checking myself out in car-windows and train-doors...and that would just be too much work.

In all seriousness, though...I'm grateful for:

18. My mind...It's useful at times.  Maybe.

19. My friends...They're useful at times.  I also happen to love them a lot...but shhhhh...you didn't hear (read: read) that.  No but really...life is a bit useless if you don't have people to care about.  Think about it.

20. My family...Family has a pesky way of teaching you a lesson when you don't want one, cheering you up when you need it most, and making fun of you when there's a lull in the conversation.  Regardless...I love them...and they probably know that.

So...I'm pretty sure that's enough sentimental crap/affection from me.  It's time to "woman up" and go bake something.


P.S. Don't ask about the nickname...

Current Song?: Glee - Marry You


  1. i love that glee song, and also #10 on your list, I think it's important not to take yourself too seriously and I'm glad the teeny-boppers help you achieve that lol


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