Three Simple Words...

"I forgive you."

It's so simple...and yet SO hard to say in certain circumstances.'s a bit late at night (or early in the morning) so I feel like my eloquence might have slipped away...

Anyway.  Forgiveness.
People do all sorts of crazy things to each other.  They cheat.  They stab each other in the back - or in other places if they're feeling violent.  They lie.  They steal.  They meddle.  They often say things they may or may not have actually meant to say.  Occasionally, what's done is so difficult to fathom that we believe we'll be perpetually angry - that we'll forever hate and never forgive the person who has wronged us.

Maybe no one did anything to you directly...
Sometimes we just need someone (or something) to focus our anger at.  Sometimes, we just need something concrete and tangible to avoid - as immature as that is.
And sometimes...we just need someone (or, again, something) to hate because our animosity gets burned like an oil fueling us to carry out our daily activities - whether that be running, pummeling a punching bag, or just getting through a day.

Sometimes we have betrayed ourselves.  We have lied to ourselves about what we want.  We have given ourselves less than what we believe we deserve.  We have punished ourselves for making mistakes because perhaps punishment is all we deserve.  We have cheated ourselves out of opportunities at greatness.  We have settled.

Anger and an unwillingness to forgive is an addictive state of mind.  It can feel so good to stew and let feelings of enmity boil to the surface.  In a sadistic way, it can feel great to hate the world (and maybe yourself) for as long as you can though you may not realize that that way of thinking is hardly healthy.

Then, if we can, we forgive.  Time passes and we forgive ourselves...or other people...or just the world.
Forgiveness is a sign of maturity - of being a better person than you previously were.  Actually, forgiveness is a freeing - a wiping of a slate.  To forgive someone, or something, is to throw off all the extra weight you've been bearing on your shoulders.  To forgive is to realize that you don't deserve the extra burden you carry when you try to maintain a lifestyle of deep-seated hate directed at whoever and whatever.  Forgiving is like clearing out your mind.  It lets you make room for the Happy, the sources of pride, the cheer, the joys, the acceptance, and the wisdom that inevitably comes with accomplishing such a feat.

Forgiveness is selfishness - but in the BEST possible way.  Forgiveness is something you do for YOU - and when you do it, you will realize what things you might have been missing.

You WILL realize that you have deserved those things all along.

- Null Lima

Current Song?: 30 Seconds to Mars - Kings and Queens


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