Summer Has Come and Passed While the Innocent Can Never Last... most of you know - seeing as this isn't profoundly shocking or anything - summer is over.
Every summer break I insist on saying that, by the end, I've had the best summer I ever had...and for obvious reasons, the same can apply to this past break.  I went into this past summer with so many expectations of what the upcoming year would be like, fears about medical school, excitement about clinical research, and a bunch (read: millions) of other things that usually whir around in my head.  This summer was full of plenty of let-downs and shortcomings - some entirely unexpected and some others more predictable.  At the start of this summer, I couldn't have even tried to predict what was to come - or what kind of situation I'd be in currently.  

But...that's okay.

There's certainly personal profit in the unexpected.  Like I've said countless times - everything happens for a reason.  Those reasons aren't always immediately apparent.  Someday, I'm going to find out what those reasons are and, eventually, I'll come to appreciate what happened.  In fact, maybe I'm even starting to realize what those reasons are now.

This past summer was the best I've ever had - for SO many reasons.  I was able to go on a trip to North Carolina with 11 other amazing people - and who knows if we're going to be able to make another trip like this anytime soon?  People might be starting graduate school, internships, etc. sooner than we all know - and maybe this past summer was the last summer we really all had together.  If it happens to be, then I'm really glad I spent as much time as I did with the people who really matter to me.  This coming year, I have a general idea of what I'm doing but nothing specific yet.  Though the vagueness of my prospective schedule frustrates me to no end, I'm happy this upcoming year means I can be around more to see the aforementioned people as much as I want (whether you like it or not) before my social life decays into almost-nothingness.  Okay...maybe that's a bit dramatic...

HOWEVER.  I've always felt like my effort to stay in touch with people has been particularly strong...and so far it's served me really well.  Maybe this next year is another opportunity for me to strengthen my relationships with other people - while I still can.  I always have this pressing fear that once we all graduate, our friendships will slowly dissolve and everything will start to change.  I haven't decided whether that fear's entirely irrational or whether it's a legitimized concern...
But should I even worry about that now?  

The research/work/blah blah blah I do over the next year could be amazing, right?  I guess I'll just have to write another post in approximately 365 days (ish)...

Heck, maybe this next year can be an opportunity for me to mature?  PSH...who am I kidding??  Like that's going to happen...  

Anyway...this past summer really has been the best I've ever had.  I have so many memories to take away from it - and possibly replay in my mind because the corresponding events might just have been THAT hilarious.  In any event, I would never trade anything I did (or anything that happened) this summer for anything else.  Though a lot of you have already started class - and this post is WAY delayed - I wish you all a fantastically productive year full of random visits from me...because, yes, I AM that bored. 

Munchkin (courtesy of: Mama Shet)

Current Song?: Bruno Mars - Just the Way You Are


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