
Showing posts from September, 2010

Three Simple Words...

"I forgive you." It's so simple...and yet SO hard to say in certain circumstances.'s a bit late at night (or early in the morning) so I feel like my eloquence might have slipped away... Anyway.  Forgiveness. People do all sorts of crazy things to each other.  They cheat.  They stab each other in the back - or in other places if they're feeling violent.  They lie.  They steal.  They meddle.  They often say things they may or may not have actually meant to say.  Occasionally, what's done is so difficult to fathom that we believe we'll be perpetually angry - that we'll forever hate and never forgive the person who has wronged us. Maybe no one did anything to you directly... Sometimes we just need someone (or something) to focus our anger at.  Sometimes, we just need something concrete and tangible to avoid - as immature as that is. And sometimes...we just need someone (or, again, something) to hate because our anim...

Summer Has Come and Passed While the Innocent Can Never Last... most of you know - seeing as this isn't profoundly shocking or anything - summer is over. Every summer break I insist on saying that, by the end, I've had the best summer I ever had...and for obvious reasons, the same can apply to this past break.  I went into this past summer with so many expectations of what the upcoming year would be like, fears about medical school, excitement about clinical research, and a bunch (read: millions) of other things that usually whir around in my head.  This summer was full of  plenty  of let-downs and shortcomings - some entirely unexpected and some others more predictable.  At the start of this summer, I couldn't have even  tried  to predict what was to come - or what kind of situation I'd be in currently.   But...that's okay. There's certainly personal profit in the unexpected.  Like I've said countless times - everything happens for a reason.  Those reasons aren't always immediately apparen...