2016: A Year Full of Moves, Boots, and Shenanigans!

A lot has happened this year.  In fact, a TON has happened in the past two years -- actually...since I last posted anything on this blog.  For a quick recap of major events in my life, please consider the following: 

June 2015: I started my prelim year, all bright-eyed and with a tail that was somewhat bushy...(I've since gotten a haircut) 
October 2015: I was all "damn, I kinda like this internal medicine nonsense"...
December 2015: I was like, "Girl, bye!" to Radiology...
March 2016: I got an IM spot at Cornell and I finally stopped plotting the various ways I'd live my jobless days on the couches of my BMC co-interns...

And the rest...is a very brief history that leads us to...now...at the turn of the new year. 

Apart from that...a lot of other amazing things happened.  My nephew was born and he rudely usurped my title of The Cutest Baby in the Shet Family (a title I held (though still do in my heart of hearts) for 27 years obvi).  I said goodbye to the wonderful people I met and worked with in Bahhston (that's how you spell it, duh) and shortly thereafter met equally awesome people that I have loved working with and getting to know better right here in Nu Yawk (is that even an NYC accent?)!  I moved into my studio apartment which is more affectionately known as my bedroom-with-a-stove-and-toilet-plus-or-minus-the-closet-space.  I got back into my running game -- and my plantar fasciitis surely does not love me for it.  Speaking of...I finally bought comfortable boots -- hey, it's a major feet (get it? GET IT?!).  I also finally got a white coat with my name on it........and (insert other trivial things because I've run out of the more major ones)...

Joking aside, this year really has turned out to be an exciting, nerve-racking, and all-around-eventful one!  This time last year, I had just given up one job and couldn't even begin to fathom the stress I would feel in the subsequent months as I slowly realized I was in need of another job lest I be unemployed for the remainder of 2016 and some of 2017 (at least!).  Fortunately, things worked themselves out fairly quickly and here we are.  Truthfully, I cannot imagine myself doing anything else aside from Medicine and I'm so, so, so grateful I realized that soon enough to have a semi-smooth transition.  

I may not know exactly what I want to do with my career and I definitely do not have the rest of my life figured out (in any sense of figuring) but I'm pretty happy with where I am right now.  Starting out this year of residency, I was all sorts of nervous -- afraid I wouldn't adjust, scared of being a somewhat-more-responsible resident to brand-spankin'-new interns, and fo' sho' lacking in the confidence department.  I haven't made leaps and bounds by any means but I'm definitely well on my way to awkwardly stumbling toward some sort of meaningful progress -- I think.  What I've come to learn over the years is that despite all the stress and uncertainty I feel at the start of every new year -- stuff works out (as I said before).  Over my lifetime, maybe not everything (in fact, nothing) has worked out 100% as I expected -- but what needs to happen, usually does...in whatever way that it does.  If you asked me back in 2011 where I would be now (because everyone always asks "where do you see yourself in 5 years?"), I'm entirely certain I would not have been remotely close to accurate.  But who ever is?  

What I can tell you, though, is that I probably wouldn't have it any other way.  

Here's to another year of modestly successful self-discovery, self-development, and seeing where life's twists and turns take me.  Happy (almost) New Year!

Current Song: The Chainsmokers -- Inside Out 


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