Perplexing Perspective...

So...I know what you must be thinking.  "It's been so long since that Nilima girl blogged anything", "I've missed that Nilima girl's blogging", or "Ugh...I was so happy that Nilima girl was no longer blogging...and now this?".  Or rather..."OMG...Nilima blogged?"...or..."Wait, who's Nilima?". I have no idea what you must be thinking.  I can tell you, though, that it has been way too long since I last wrote a post.

In fact, it's been around 4 years since I last blogged anything...and I feel like I don't know how to go about doing it anymore.  I guess (if you're medically-oriented) you could say I've acquired some sort of blogging apraxia.  I used to be able to more eloquently put into words what I was feeling and thinking and now it's become so unnatural a thing to me.  Maybe that's because I've been forced to write patient notes, write-ups, reports and all things technical/medical for the past three years.  ANYWHO, that's besides the point.

Since my third year of medical school seems to be coming to an end, I figured it was about time I try to resurrect this bloggy-thingy.  And who might start joggin' my noggin into crafting a personal statement...which brings me to my next point...

ERAS OPENED TODAY.  I mean...this isn't as stress-inducing as application-submitting might be...but I'm still hyperventilating a bit.  This coming week alone, I have my last OSCE and shelf exam of my third year of medical school, I have to finalize my speech for my brother's wedding (woot woot he's getting married!), I have to finalize some blips in my 4th year schedule, and now....ERAS opened.  This probably isn't a big deal...but in the moment the e-mail buzz-buzzed into my was like the digital straw breaking the proverbial medical-school-camel's back.  The stress didn't really set in until my drive home when it dawned on me that a lot of important things in my life are coming to a head.  I suppose it's a bit dramatic but I feel as if I've been wading in the shallow end of the pool all these years and somehow I didn't realize that I've actually drifted into the deep end without my Floaties on.  I guess I'll be treading water for the next year...manageable right?

As I continued to daydream on my drive home, the stress just seemed to pile on.  When I finally reached home after the horrendous Memorial Day Weekend traffic-jam-fest, my aunt (who came alllll the way from India in anticipation of my brother's wedding) was there to greet me! Although she never completely picked up English, she's learned quite a bit over the past few years.  After not having seen me for 14 years, the first thing she did was pinch my cheeks...which are still as chubby as they've ever been.  Then, with what English she did know, she told me she was so proud of me for being in medical school.  She wished me the best of luck this coming year and for some reason, the stress seemed to dissipate.  I'm sure it'll come back just as quickly as it vanished but I began to realize how awesome it is that I'm on this journey.  Sure I stress about everything under the sun, but I've forgotten to be grateful that I'm even in medical school - trying to accomplish something some people don't even have the opportunity to do.  I guess I'll try to remember this in the coming months...but...who knows.  I'll probably go back to reading my Neurology review book in two minutes...and start panicking all over again.  Maybe it's the thought that counts?

Current Song: John Mayer - Stop This Train


  1. I have taken the approach to not even touch ERAS until I have final versions of my documents, which helps me to dissipate the stress. If I don't break every task down into 100 I would just be hyperventilating always. You are a genius and you are going to be amazing, just remember that gurlllll! xoxoxoxoxoxo YOUR FUTURE ROOMMATE


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