
Showing posts from 2015

L'Oreal...Because It Was Worth It.

(Don't worry, this has nothing to do with make-up.) I know, I know...that's not how the L'Oreal slogan goes...but it works for the purposes of my post...and my segue.  Though, I'm sure I'd be lynched by every English professor I've ever had because, according to them, the first rule about segues - much like Fight Club - is to not talk  about the segue.  That being said, this is now - officially - the worst segue ever. So.  Today was the start of a new elective.  I was told before the rotation that it would be a whole  lot of reading - and after a more serious perusing of the required book...I concur.  The book itself is about 1,000 pages of information-dense chapters with scant sprinkling of figures - replete with problem sets at the back of most  chapters.  All in black-and-white.  Thanks to the snowpocalypse, however, we were dismissed for the day almost  as soon as we got there - though not without a reading assignment, of co...